How do I schedule a sleep test?
To have a sleep study at one of our locations, you should first speak with your primary care physician about your sleep problems. He/she will fax a prescription for a sleep study directly to our center. One of our Office Assistants will contact you personally within 24 hours to schedule your appointment and verify your insurance benefits.
Sleep studies are available seven days a week at any of our locations.
If you don’t have a primary care physician, or prefer to seek advice directly from a sleep specialist, you can Contact Us to schedule a consultation.- Is this procedure covered by my insurance company/ Medicare?
Sleep studies are covered by Medicare, Medicaid and most insurance plans. We offer flexible payment plans, and major credit cards are accepted. Daytime, early evening and weekend sleep studies are available. Free, handicapped-accessible parking is provided - How do I know if I have sleep apnea?
This potentially life-threatening disorder can cause you to involuntarily stop breathing while sleeping. Even more alarming, this can happen many times per hour. Sleep apnea has been linked to irregular heartbeat, high blood pressure and heart attack. Symptoms you should look for include loud snoring, pauses in breathing and daytime sleepiness. In many cases, we treat sleep apnea with a continuous positive airway pressure (CPAP) device. Comfortable and affordable, the CPAP device helps you to breathe easily throughout the night. Other treatment options may be available as well.Risk factors for sleep apnea include: Obesity, Diabetes, Heart Disease, Hypertension (High Blood Pressure) Stroke, Heart Attack. - How do I know if I have Narcolepsy?
If you suffer from narcolepsy, you’ll find yourself so tired during the day that you might fall asleep at inappropriate times. Oddly enough, this can occur even after you’ve had a full night’s sleep. Other symptoms include cataplexy, which is a sudden loss of muscle function; sleep paralysis; and frightening hallucinations at bedtime. Speak to our sleep specialist about diagnosis and treatment of this disorder. - What is CPAP/BiPAP?
A Medical Device that delivers a steady, gentle flow of air through a variety of soft, pliable mask interfaces. Comfortable and affordable, the device helps you breathe more easily throughout the night. - My ENT has suggested surgery. What is this?
Surgery opens the airway by removal of tonsils, adenoids, nasal polyps, and structural deformities that may restrict breathing. For more information, check this site. - My Dentist has suggested oral appliance therapy. What is this?
Dental or oral appliances reposition the lower jaw and tongue, moving them forward and, creating something similar to a pronounced “underbite.” Used in mild to moderate sleep apnea, this physically opens the airway, allowing the free flow of air. They are custom-made devices usually fitted by a dentist or orthodontist.